Orascom Construction Industries To Split Fertilizer And Construction Businesses

The largest public company in Egypt will soon be much smaller.  Orsacom Construction Industries(ORSCY) will spin off its construction business to shareholders, retaining its fertilizer business.Nassaf Sawaris, the company’s chairman and CEO explained

It has been apparent to us, that there is absolutely no rationale to justify the relationship between the fertiliser business [which exports to Europe, North America and Brazil] and the construction group which [specialises in infrastructure and] works predominantly in emerging markets … The combination was acting as an unnecessary poison pill.

OCI will be the world’s third largest manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers, and the majority of its business is outside of Egypt.  Clearly, a major impetus for this is to distance the fertilizer firm from the continued political instability in Egypt. What few numbers we’ve been able to find show a company trading under 7 times EBITDA.  If the fertilizer firm is successful in decoupling its fortunes from Egypt, this will likely prove to be a most profitable opportunity for investors, but the task is easier said then done.  It’s an intriguing possibility, but something we’re going to have to leave in the “too hard” pile. How about you?

Disclosure: The Author holds no position in any stock mentioned


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